Community Engagement and Dissemination Core (CEDC)
The Community Engagement and Dissemination Core (CEDC) will foster collaborations that promote community engagement in the design, dissemination, implementation of research supported by the HDR@UCR Center and provide community members and stakeholders with opportunities to shape the research agenda.
Our specific aims are to:
- Create a Community Engagement Studio that will serve as a hub for HDR@UCR community engaged proposal development, implementation, and dissemination activities.
- Serve as a boundary spanner between HDR@UCR researchers, and Coachella Valley and inland southern California community groups, health care delivery systems, and policy makers by facilitating stakeholder input into the HDR@UCR research agenda directed by our Community Advisory Board.
- Through dissemination efforts, build and strengthen a shared community focus on health disparities and equity.
- Michelle Burroughs MPH, Lead of CEDC & Director of Community Engagement and Outreach for the Center for Healthy Communities (CHC)
- Sarah Garibay MSW, Program Manager CEDC
- Fara Aidul MPA, MHA, Community Health Program Manager CEDC
- Selina Hernandez MPH, Community Relations Specialist CEDC
- Sahar Foruzan, graduate student researcher CEDC, Anthropology, College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CHASS)
- Joshua Liashenko PhD, Field Researcher CEDC
- Brenda Castruita, Translator, CEDC
- Moises Martinez, Translator, CEDC
Community Advisory Board:
- Paulette Brown, Voice Media Ventures
- Jonathan Buffong, San Bernardino County, Department of Behavioral Health
- Italia Garcia, Community Engagement Manager, Riverside County Transportation Commission
- John Epps, Regional Access Project Foundation
- Browyn Leebaw, University of California Riverside Political Science
- Maria Machuca, County of Riverside-Department of Public Social Services, Mecca Family & Farmworker’s Service Center
- Georgia Martinez, SAC Health System
- Jeff Taylor, dba HIV+Aging Research Project-Palm Springs
- Wendy Hetherington, Riverside University Health System
- Jacob Rostovsky, Queer Works
- Anthony Velasco, DAP Health
Click here to submit a request for a Community Engagement Studio
For questions about CEDC, please contact Sarah Garibay.