Grow Well/Crecer Bien
The Grow Well/Crecer Bien project is conducting a five-year study on infant growth and early childhood obesity risk. Specifically, we are looking at infant feeding practices to develop nutrition education encouraging healthy feeding.
We have partnered with community members, healthcare systems, and Early Head Start programs in Inland Southern California to:
- Characterize the role of mothers and trusted caregivers in infant feeding in low-income families, and
- Use the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) model to adapt, implement, and evaluate an early childhood obesity risk reduction intervention for low-income Latino families in southern California.
What's Happening Now?
Our team, in collaboration with mothers, other caregivers, and community health workers (CHWs)/promotoras, is using ADDIE to adapt Healthy Beginnings, an intervention to reduce early childhood obesity risk. Based out of Australia, Healthy Beginnings was originally developed for English-speaking first-time mothers. We will adapt it for Latinx families in southern California.
Get involved/Stay involved
You can find more information at:
growwell_crecerbien on Facebook
growwell_crecerbien on Instagram
Learn more about resources for infant and toddler caregivers via our YouTube Series, part of the HDR@UCR channel:
Grow Well/Crecer Bien Playlist on YouTube
Project Aims
This study uses a community-based participatory research approach to engage Early Head Start mothers, staff, and leadership and aims to characterize infant feeding practices and develop nutrition education that promotes healthy feeding practices among multiple caregivers. Our research includes two aims:
- Conduct a longitudinal study to characterize the caregiver context of infant feeding in low-income families.
- Develop and pilot test an enhanced intervention compared to EHS’ existing nutrition education program
Project Leaders
- Ann Cheney – Principal Investigator - ann.cheney@medsch.ucr.edu
- Alison Tovar – Co-Investigator - alison_tovar@uri.edu
- Evelyn Vázquez – Co-Investigator - evelyn.vazquez@medsch.ucr.edu
- Arianna Zimmer – Project Manager
Maria Pozar – Community Investigator
- Marisol Peña – Promotora
- Mary Bautista – Promotora
- Sonia Rodriguez – Promotora
- Andrea Ramirez – Senior Research Assistant
- Clarissa Carlos – Research Assistant
- Gabriela Ortiz – Graduate Student Researcher
- Daniella Carrillo –Undergraduate Research Assistant
- Amanda Lee – Medical Student Researcher
- Navya Chauhan – Medical Student Researcher
- Nadine Del Rosario – Medical Student Researcher
- Norma Espinoza – Medical Student Researcher
Grow Well/Crecer Bien Publications
You can learn more about our findings in these published manuscripts:
- Ramirez, A.; Tovar, A., Garcia, G., Nieri, T., Hernandez, S., Sastre, M., and Cheney, A.M.
Involvement of Non-Parental caregivers in obesity prevention interventions among 0-3-year-old children: A scoping review
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022;19: 4910. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19084910
We examined the limited scope of literature including non-parental caregiver involvement in child obesity prevention interventions. This review can inform future interventions that plan to involve non-parental caregivers, which may be beneficial in shaping early health behaviors and preventing obesity early in life.
- Cheney, A. M., Nieri, T., Ramirez, A., Garcia, G., Vaca, L., Valencia, E., Versteeg, C., Molina, A., Castillo, M., and Tovar, A.
Grow Well/Crecer Bien: A protocol for research on healthy infant feeding practices in low-income families.
BMC Public Health 2020, 20: 1431, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-09471-1
We outline a study methodology to examine feeding styles and practices and their association with early childhood obesity risk and enhance an existing intervention to promote healthy infant feeding and growth among children in low-income families.
- Cheney, A. M., Nieri, T., Davis, E., Prolongo, J., Valencia, E., Anderson, T. A., Widaman, K., and Sullivan, G.
Social and Cultural Processes Informing Latina Mother’s Infant and Child Feeding Practices
Global Health Nursing Research. 2019 https://doi.org/10.1177/2333393618825253
We examined the sociocultural factors underlying infant feeding practices. Nutrition interventions for Latino families should capitalize on Latina mothers’ strategies for navigating multiple information sources while preserving cultural values and family relationships.
The Grow Well/Crecer Bien project is conducting a five-year study on infant growth and early childhood obesity risk. Specifically, we are looking at infant feeding practices to develop nutrition education encouraging healthy feeding.
We have partnered with community members, healthcare systems, and Early Head Start programs in Inland Southern California to:
- Characterize the role of mothers and trusted caregivers in infant feeding in low-income families, and
- Use the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) model to adapt, implement, and evaluate an early childhood obesity risk reduction intervention for low-income Latino families in southern California.