Continuity Collaboratory Fellowship- Graduate Student Award
The center will support up to three graduate student fellows who are pursuing health disparities community engaged research for one academic year.
Provisions of Award
- Up to $50,000 can be requested to support student’s research activities (e.g. participant compensation, stipends for community partners, data collection, transcription, data access, etc.).
- Applicants are encouraged to secure matching funds from their department during the fellowship period.
- PhD students, at any level, pursuing health disparities community engaged research.
- Eligible projects include work from any discipline and may involve collaborations.
- Preference will be given to projects that uplift best practices for community-engaged research and aim to improve practice and policy to reduce health disparities.
- Awardees must meet all university eligibility requirements for fellowship funding at the time of the award disbursement.
- Fellows will be required to submit a working paper, a short brief (e.g. policy, practice, or research report), and present at the Center’s annual research conference.
- Participate in courses and training supported by the Center.
- Completion of a brief report, 2-3 pages, summarizing the research activities, presentations, publications, and training completed during the fellowship year. Next steps for the project including identifying/applying for next funding source. The report is due one month after the funding period.
Applications should be submitted via email as single PDF file that includes:
- The application form
- Research budget and budget justification
- Project narrative (including background and significance, relevance to health disparities, research design and methods, community engagement plan, analysis, timeline, and products to be produced)
- Biosketch
- Letter of recommendation from graduate advisor/mentor. The applicant’s advisor should email the letter of recommendation directly to
Applications and letters must be received by July 1, 2020. Successful applicants will be notified in August. Funding period will be October 1-September 31.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Cecilia Ayón at
Please note that all of our grant applications involve a community engagement research component and follow NIH format requirements.
Application Format
Please click here to download the application format:
Applications should be sent to Cristina Gonzalez (