
Exposing the Desert Story Maps

Please check out the Story Maps created by our graduate student researcher, Sahar Foruzan M.A., and our undergraduate research assistants, Isabelle Swanson and Preeti Juturu with the help Center of Health Disparities (CHD) team. 


           Exposing the Desert: Environmental Justice in California's Desert Wetland
Exposing the Desert I is the first in a series capturing the impact of the "Childhood Asthma and the Salton Sea" project. 

          Exposing the Desert Part II: Environmental Justice in California's Desert Wetland

Exposing the Desert II focuses on HDR@UCR and the four researchers with the R01 project. Included is an introduction to remind readers of the health and environmental issues around the Salton Sea and a brief section about the goals of HDR@UCR; followed by questions each researcher is focusing on, what they are currently doing, what they plan to do, and what challenges they have faced during their projects.

         Exposing the Desert Part III: Policy and Programs at the Salton Sea

Exposing the Desert III focuses on an overview of the discussions and plans currently in place that aim to improve the conditions at the Salton Sea.